
Take control of your crypto journey with Safeguard your funds with the most trusted hardware wallet in the market.

Here are the steps to use to configure multiple hardware wallets:

  • Connect Each Trezor Device: Begin by connecting each Trezor hardware wallet to your computer using the provided USB cables.

  • Visit for Each Device: Open your web browser and go to Trezor's setup page at separately for each Trezor device.

  • Follow Setup Process for Each Device: For each device, follow the setup process outlined on the page. This includes installing Trezor Bridge (if needed), choosing the device model, installing firmware (if needed), setting up a new wallet or recovering an existing one, and backing up the recovery seed.

  • Name Each Device: During the setup process, you'll have the opportunity to name each Trezor device. This helps you distinguish between multiple devices if you have more than one.

  • Keep Recovery Seeds Separate: Make sure to keep the recovery seeds for each device separate and properly labeled. Each device has its own unique recovery seed, and it's crucial to keep them organized to avoid confusion.

  • Complete Setup for Each Device: Once you've completed the setup process for each Trezor device, you'll have multiple hardware wallets configured and ready to use.

  • Explore Additional Features: After setting up multiple hardware wallets, you can explore additional features and settings available in the Trezor wallet interface for each device, such as adding accounts, managing cryptocurrencies, and configuring security settings individually for each wallet.

By following these steps, you can configure multiple Trezor hardware wallets using with ease.

Last updated